

CM0983B Bolton肉汤基础
CM0983B Bolton肉汤基础
CM0983B Bolton肉汤基础

CM0983B Bolton肉汤基础


CM0983B Bolton肉汤基础

英文名称:Bolton Broth Base (Dehydrated)


Selectively pre-enrich Campylobacter in food samples with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Bolton Broth Base (Dehydrated). Avoid false-negative results due to sub-lethally injured cells with Bolton Broth Base as it increases the number of cells available for culture, first by resuscitating organisms and then by encouraging them to multiply.

  货号 产品规格 描述 单价 (CNY)
CM0983B - Bolton Broth Base
产品规格 -
描述 Bolton Broth Base
形式形式 Powder
包装 Each
数量 500g
类型 Broth
产量 For 18.1L medium


Compylobacter are Gram-negative, spirally shaped microaerophilic organisms which may be present in raw milk, untreated water, improperly handled food and undercooked meats, poultry and shellfish. Human consumption of these organisms can result in a range of clinical illnesses from transient asymptomatic colonization to severe dysentery. The symptoms of Campylobacter enteritis include diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, fever, headache and muscle pain.

Use Bolton Broth Base for better recovery of Campylobacter spp.

  • Developed to optimize the growth of Campylobacter from contaminated food and dairy products.
  • Developed to increase the recovery rate of Compylobacter with the addition of sodium metabisulphite and sodium pyruvate, which reduce toxic compounds and increase the recovery rate and aero-tolerance of the culture.

Bolton Selective Enrichment Broth contains nutrients to aid resuscitation of sublethally injured cells, and is formulated to avoid the need for a microaerobic atmosphere. Initial incubation is carried out at 30°-37°C, depending on the type of food to be examined. After the pre-enrichment, the incubation temperature is raised to 42°C to increase the selective pressures on competing organisms.

Inclusion of sodium metabisulphite and sodium pyruvate in Bolton Broth quenches toxic compounds that may form in the culture medium. These additions also increase the aero-tolerance of the culture. The antibiotics contained in Bolton Broth Selective Supplement SR0183 optimize selectivity for Campylobacter spp.: Vancomycin―active against Gram- positives; Cefoperazone ―predominantly active against Gram-negatives; Trimethoprim ―active against a wide variety of Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms and  Cycloheximide ―active against yeasts.

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